A new paradigm is transforming the society, organisations and business environments. In fact, society and business world alike are moving from its tangible bases to intangible ones based on knowledge and information systems (IS) to support its management, use and sharing. In this emerging paradigm, terms like information, communication, knowledge, and learning have acquired a critical relevance to the understanding of the nature of contemporary business. This led authors such as Drucker (1993) to state that “we are entering the knowledge society in which the basic economic resource… is knowledge”.

Since the mid-1980s, there has been an avalanche of a new kind of vocabulary. Organizations, thus far, had been economic entities, are being described as ‘information-based organizations’, ‘learning organizations’, ‘knowledge-creating companies’ or knowledge intensive organisations. Instead of product-market strategies, the fashionable business discourse invokes core competencies, intangible assets, knowledge-based capabilities, intellectual capital, knowledge management etc. Consequently, in this 21st century of ours, terms such as intellectual capital, knowledge management, and knowledge mapping have increasingly become part of the corporate landscape.

However, none of this apparent revolution would be possible without the underlying technological support provided by IS. The IADIS Information Systems Conference (IS 2025) aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS taking a socio-technological perspective. It focuses on the issues of design, development and use of IS in organisations from a socio-technological perspective, as well as discussing IS professional practice, research, and teaching.

A set of key issues is identified (see below). However, these do not aim to be prescriptive, or set in stone, and innovative contributions that do not fit into these areas will be considered.

Key issues in this conference include:

IS in Practice, Technology Infrastructures and Organisational Processes

– Power, Cultural, Behavioural and Political issues
– New Organisational Forms
– Dilution of Organisational Boundaries
– The centrality of IS and IT in Organisational Processes
– IS Management
– Information Management
– Knowledge Management
– IS and SMEs
– Innovation and IS
– Innovation and Knowledge Management
– IS and Change Management
– IS and Organisation Development
– Enterprise Application Integration
– Enterprise Resource Planning
– Business Process Change

IS Design, Development and Management Issues and Methodologies

– Design and Development Methodologies and Frameworks
– Iterative and Incremental Methodologies
– Agile Methodologies
– IS Design and Development as a Component-Based Process
– IS Design and Development as Social Negotiation Process
– IS D Design and Development as a Global and Distributed Process
– Outsourcing in IS
– Outsourcing Risks, Barriers and Opportunities
– IS Project Management
– IS Quality Management and Assurance
– IS Standards and Compliance Issues
– Risk Management in IS
– Risk Management in IS Design and Development

IS Professional Issues

– Ethical, social, privacy, security and moral issues in an e-society
– The role of information in the information society
– Myths, taboos and misconceptions in IS
– Practitioner and Research Relationship, Projects and Links
– Validity, Usefulness and Applicability of IS Academic Research
– Industrial Research versus Academic Research Issues
– Industry Innovation and Leadership and Academic Laggards
– IS consultancy as a profession
– Organisational IS Roles
– Communities of practice and Knowledge Sharing


IS Research

– Core Theories, Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS Research
– Ontological Assumptions in IS Research
– IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities
– IS vs Computer Science Research
– IS vs Business Studies
– Positivist, Interpretivist and Critical Approaches to IS Research
– Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods
– Deductive vs Inductive Approaches
– Multi-method Approaches and Triangulations in IS Research
– Design Research and the Sciences of the Artificial in IS
– Multidisciplinary Views and Multi Methodological Approaches
– New and alternative approaches to IS research
– Examples of experimental research designs in IS

IS Learning and Teaching
– Patterns of Demand for IS Teaching Provision
– Fads, Fashions and Fetishes in IS Curricula
– Pedagogic practice in Teaching IS
– E-Learning in IS
– Instructional Design for IS
– National Cultures and Approaches to Pedagogy
– Multiculturality and Diversity Issues in IS Learning and Teaching


The Conference will be composed of several types of contributions:

  • Full Papers – These include mainly accomplished research results and have 8 pages at the maximum (5,000 words).
  • Short Papers – These are mostly composed of work in progress reports or fresh developments and have 4 pages at maximum (2,500 words).
  • Reflection Papers – These might review recent research literature pertaining to a particular problem or approach, indicate what the findings suggest, and/or provide a suggestion – with rationale and justification – for a different approach or perspective on that problem. Reflection papers might also analyze general trends or discuss important issues in topics related to Information Systems. These have four pages at maximum (2500 words)
  • Posters / Demonstrations – These contain implementation information or work-in-progress and have two pages at maximum (1,250 words) besides the poster itself (or demonstration) that will be exposed at the conference.
  • Tutorials – Tutorials can be proposed by scholars or company representatives. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
  • Panels – Discussions on selected topics will be held. A proposal of maximum 250 words is expected.
  • Invited Talks – These will be made of contributions from well-known scholars and company representatives. An abstract will be included in the conference proceedings.
  • Doctoral Consortium – The Doctoral Consortium will discuss on going work of PhD students in an informal and formative atmosphere. Contributions to the consortium should take the form of either: a critical literature review of the research topic providing the rationale for the relevance and interest of the research topic; or a short paper discussing the research question(s), research objectives, research methodology and work done so far.
    Doctoral Consortium Contributions should have a maximum 2,500 words (4 pages).
  • Corporate Showcases & Exhibitions – The former enables Companies to present recent developments and applications, inform a large and qualified audience of your future directions and showcase company’s noteworthy products and services. There will be a time slot for companies to make their presentation in a room. The latter enables companies the opportunity to display its latest offerings of hardware, software, tools, services and books, through an exhibit booth. For further details please contact the publicity chair – secretariat@is-conf.org.

This is a blind peer-reviewed conference.

Important Dates

– Submission Deadline (1st CFP extension): 11 November 2024
– Notification to Authors (1st CFP extension): 16 December 2024
– Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (1st CFP): until 9 December 2024
– Late Registration (1st CFP): after 9 December 2024
– Conference: 1 – 3 March 2025